Safe, enjoyable cycling for all! Join our next ride.

Community rides

Since November 2022, Haringey Cycling Campaign has been organising regular community rides to encourage everyone, including families with young children, to take advantage of the traffic-calmed streets in the area.

Harringay Ladder ride group of cyclists

Our regular rides are short and (mainly) flat, and use quiet streets and segregated routes. Participants range in age from 4 to over 70 with several marshals to help manage the ride safely at every junction.

These community rides help develop skills and confidence in a friendly environment. Children and adults chat as they pedal, and a cafe at the destination enhances the experience! These rides give inexperienced cyclists and children the opportunity to ride safely on the road, an experience which is seldom possible for many cyclists.

As well as our community rides, Haringey Cycling Campaign has also organised feeder rides to Kidical Mass events in Central London, Earth Day and other key rides in Central London. Follow us on X/TwitterInstagram or keep an eye on our Events page, if you want to take part in the next ride.


Is everyone welcome?

Haringey Cyclists rides are suitable for all. Routes are carefully chosen on quiet roads and through parks where possible. Children should be accompanied by an adult and we ask adults to stay with their children during the ride and always keep children on their left. Our ride leader will give a briefing before setting off, with more details about the route and road conditions. Please arrive in time for the briefing.

What should I wear?

Where whatever you want. No special clothes or equipment is needed – just a working cycle. Helmets and high-viz are fine but not compulsory. If you check the weather before you go out you can bring waterproofs and gloves or sunscreen, shorts and shades.

Is my bike suitable?

Our rides are suitable for most cycles. We avoid barriers on our routes which would prevent cargo bikes or adapted cycles joining our rides. There are a number of cycle shops in Haringey that can assist you with cycle maintenance. We usually have a cycle mechanic with us on rides.

What should I bring?

Drinks and snacks or a few pounds for coffee and cake is usually a good idea. Have a charged phone for taking pictures or emergency calls

You could also have tools and equipment just in case:

  • spare inner tube
  • a bike pump
  • tools that fit your bike
  • lights
  • a lock

What do ride leaders do?

Ride leaders are experienced Haringey Cycling Campaign members. They are qualified mechanics, first aiders and cycling instructors with considerable experience of taking groups on rides. Leaders plan, check and risk assess all routes to keep everyone safe. Leaders are supported by ride marshals who help keep the group together and manage our journey through junctions. We never leave anyone behind, our back marshal will make sure this never happens.

Things to consider

We ask that you:

  • check the length of the ride to make sure you or your children can manage
  • check your cycle and the cycle of those in your group
  • be on time for the ride briefing (this always takes place just before we go)
  • let the ride leader know if you have any medical conditions
  • follow the ride leader and marshal instructions, these may include important safety messages
  • if you leave the ride before it’s finished, please let someone know so we don’t think you’re lost

* If you are an LCC member, your membership includes third party insurance which would cover any problems during the ride, such as scratching a parked car. We recommend all cyclists have third party insurance cover. London Cycling Campaign is the best organisation for leisure and utility riders in London.

See videos and reports from some of our previous events at