Safe, enjoyable cycling for all! Join our next ride.

Cyclist Resources

Fixlosophy repair and services shop

Bike repairs in Haringey

We’ve created a list of bike shops and repair services around Haringey and included details of London Cycling Campaign discounts where available.

How to get parking for your bike?

Request a Bikehangar

Bikehangars provide a good solution for securing your bike, particularly when there isn’t room inside your home. Haringey Council offers these to local residents although supply is not meeting demand. We have created a guide on how to request one for your neighbourhood.

Sheffield stand

Request a Sheffield stand

Sheffield stands provide an invaluable aid when you’re looking to lock your bike when you’re popping into a shop, local library, doctors or sports ground. Haringey Council have instructions on the below link.

How can I increase the security of my treasured bicycle?

BikeRegister website

Register your bike

The Metropolitan Police have some handy advice on how to reduce the chance of your bike being stolen. Among the advice is adding your bike’s details to BikeRegister which means that if your bike is located after being stolen, the police will know who to return it to. You will find bike marking events happening in London at various times.

Where can you find cycle routes around London?

TfL cycling map

Transport for London maps

Transport for London has an online map that will help you find current and proposed cycle routes across London, as well as Santander Cycle docking stations across London.

How can I increase my own or my child's confidence on a bike?

Children learning to cycle

Cycle training in Haringey

Whilst many already know how to ride a bike, Cycling Training can help you cycle more confidently and assertively around the borough and the city and is free to Haringey residents.

How can I report problems with our roads or cycling infrastructure?

Report potholes and other problems

Haringey Council encourages the use of Love Clean Streets to report issues. Using the app gives you the opportunity to take photos and locate where the problem is, with details sent on to the council.

Low Traffic Neighbourhoods (LTNs)

Report interference with the LTN cameras

Haringey Council has installed enforcement camera to help ensure that motorists respect restrictions on car use. Unfortunately some people have been vandalising cameras and planters so they’re not working properly.

If you find this is the case, please report to the relevant Haringey Council email address.

You can also contact the relevant LTN team:

Partners & Friends

As a campaigning organisation, we believe we can do much more when we work with other organisations with similar goals. Among are partners and friends are the following:

Where can I find more information about cycling, active travel and healthy streets?

Low traffic neighbourhood (LTN) mythbusters:

Infrastructure design guidance and implementation