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The saga of Tottenham gyratory (Broad Lane proposals)

10 October 2013

We’ll be discussing this at our meeting on Monday 14th October, but here’s what it looks like from our perspective.

We’ll be discussing this at our meeting on Monday 14th October, but here’s what it looks like from our perspective:

  • Haringey Cycling Campaign and London Cycling Campaign have been involved in consultation on this since the beginning of 2012, with LCC’s  Engineering Group making the main response on behalf of local groups and LCC as a whole.
  •  The consultation hasn’t been very satisfactory and we have never been given a set of “final” drawings to comment on.
  • We were promised the scheme would be looked at in the TfL junction review but it really never was.
  • Laterly after persistent lobbying TfL have made some improvements, but this 20 mph consultation is a surprise as we were always told Broad Lane would be 20mph.
  • If any “Cyclist Dismount” signs are erected on cycle routes in this scheme, we think direct action would be in order…

Here’s some recent blogs on the scheme:

And a post on Harringay Online: