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How to respond to the draft Walking & Cycling Action Plan consultation

7 December 2021

A recent government opinion poll showed 75% of people favoured encouraging people to walk or cycle to work instead of driving, with only 4% against.

A recent government opinion poll showed 75% of people favoured encouraging people to walk or cycle to work instead of driving, with only 4% against. 

Haringey Council is giving everyone an opportunity via this link to help shape Haringey’s walking and cycling action plan (WCAP) for the next 10 years.

Please take a moment to fill it in and pass the link on to others who can add their voice. The aim is to secure a long-term vision for a greener borough where walking and safe cycling play a key part. This will be the borough’s chance to engage with an active travel agenda, improving the health and safety of its residents, whilst reducing local pollution. 

Your replies will help shape the council’s priorities in an ambitious 10-year action plan. Elements include Low Traffic Neighbourhoods (LTNs), new cycle lanes and safer journeys for pedestrians, with public transport prioritised over driving. 

Haringey states that its vision is simple: by 2031, they want:

  • A reputation for being one of the best walking and cycling boroughs, both regionally and nationally.
  • Walking and cycling as natural choices.
  • Active travel to have improved the wellbeing of residents.
  • To reduce motor vehicle use.

These are big ideas and we’d love to see them happen. There’s an election in May 2022 and a strong response now will help prioritise these aims for all councillors.

Firstly, there is a ‘Vision and Policies Questionnaire‘ with 11 brief questions. We encourage you to “agree” or “strongly agree” where asked, adding your own comments in the spaces provided.

There is also a short Delivery Plan Questionnaire, which sets out specific projects and has 7 questions. Again, we encourage you to “agree” or “strongly agree” where asked.

As well as answering the queries, you can leave comments on the interactive map by pinning a site where you feel changes need to be made.

For question 7, you might like to include some of the points we make here or below:

  • Connectivity is what’s needed or bad experiences will turn people back to their cars. 
  • Road upgrades are only useful if safety is the first priority, otherwise it will just lead to faster speeds and more drivers in cars.
  • GPS has changed road use so that even smaller residential roads are becoming rat runs as cars try to avoid traffic on main thoroughfares.
  • Can the 2031 deadline be chunked into smaller deadlines so we can follow progress and witness accountability?

The consultation period ends on 10th January so please circulate this to others so that everyone can share their views. There will be a pop-up in-person session:
Saturday 11th December 10am – 2pm at St Ann’s Library N15 5PU.

There will also be two online public meetings to hear more about the plan and to ask the council questions:
Wednesday 15 December 6 – 8pm
Thursday 6 January 6 – 8pm
Click on your preferred date and follow the Eventbrite registration instructions.